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Fallout 2 Military Base

Fallout 2 Military Base

There is this mutant camp/military base in Fallout 1 with the green and red force fields that you have to bypass to proceed at level 3 (I think). There are a number of solutions, but non of them seem to work: 1. Hack (Science) the non-MachIV-Computer on level 1: Supposedly, half of the force fields are disabled - but in fact, nothing happens 2. So apparently the only way i can get the military base marked on my map is if i do a quest titled 'talk to Goris' when i enter Vault 13, the first time i entered vault 13 i didnt talk to him, the second time i went there SPOILER ALERT all the deathclaws were dead and apparently the Enclave had killed them, when i talked to Goris he just said 'i will avenge my brothers' or something along those.

Layout overview.In, the NBC division of achieved breakthrough results in the Project.The United States Defense Department, in fear of international espionage, moved a military team under the command of Colonel and Captain onto the site to secure and oversee the project, now dubbed the FEV project. On, all FEV research was moved to the newly constructed Mariposa Military Base to commence testing of the virus on human subjects. The security team was transferred to the newly constructed base as well, to provide protection for the research going on within the facility. They were not informed of the nature of the research.This secrecy backfired shortly before October 10, 2077, when soldiers stationed at the base discovered the human testing that was going on at the base, made worse by the fact that the scientists were using military prisoners as test subjects. Colonel Spindel suffered a nervous breakdown, locking himself in his office, leaving Captain Maxson to handle the deteriorating situation at the base. The soldiers were screaming for blood and became increasingly aggressive. When two days later, on October 12, the Captain stopped a soldier from murdering a scientist, he ordered the scientists to be interrogated.The first scientist to be interrogated by Captain Maxson was, Chief Researcher of the research team at Mariposa.

Anderson explained that the testing at the facility was sanctioned and, in fact, ordered by the government, as he outlined the experiments to the Captain. When Maxson refused to believe him, the scientist lost his nerve and started screaming how he was just following orders and that he was also a military man. In response, Captain Maxson murdered him.This established Maxson as the leader of the rebellion. His position was further reinforced on October 15, when Colonel Spindel committed suicide as his men broke into his office. Subsequent scientist interrogations invariably ended in executions. Held out the longest, almost convincing the Captain that the experiments were really ordered by the government.

On October 20, 2077, Captain Maxson declared his unit in full secession from the United States, attempting to force the government to respond to the situation at Mariposa. No response came. Two days later, he ordered the families of soldiers under his command to take shelter within the facility.The killing of Robert Anderson effectively established Maxson as the leader of the rebellion. His position was further reinforced just two days later on October 15, when he attempted to speak to Colonel Spindel through the door of his office. It soon became clear that the Colonel had lost touch with reality, so Maxon and several of his men broke down the door just in time to hear the Colonel apologize and shoot himself. Subsequent scientist interrogations invariably ended in executions. Held out the longest by October 18, finally convincing the Captain that the experiments were really ordered by the government with her detailed account.

On October 20, 2077, Captain Maxson declared his unit in full secession from the United States over the radio, attempting to force the government to respond to the situation at Mariposa. No response came. A day later, he ordered the families of soldiers under his command to take shelter within the facility.On October 23, 2077, the struck. As Maxson was halfway through prying the story from Head Researcher, the facility lost contact with the outside world as nuclear weapons started to drop. Spared the nuclear devastation, Mariposa protected the inhabitants from nuclear fallout flooding the wasteland. Fearing that would soon make up for the oversight, on October 24, Maxson ordered his soldiers and their families to prepare to vacate the base the next day.On October 25, Sgt. Volunteered to take atmospheric readings outside the base.

Reporting no significant amounts of radiation in the atmosphere, final preparations for the exodus were undertaken. On October 26, Maxson ordered the remains of the scientists to be buried in the wastes outside the base. A day later, on October 27, former US servicemen and their families left the base under the lead of Captain Roger Maxson, heading for the government bunker in the south.

The Rise of the Master. FEV vats at MariposaThe base was left sealed, but over the years, it slowly fell into disrepair, and eventually various creatures made their way inside, mutating due to exposure and infesting the surrounding area, attacking fledgling human settlements and caravans. The problem was becoming increasingly severe, to the point when, a caravan master from the, mounted an expedition in to locate and destroy the source of mutants.Dr. Was one of the explorers who was part of the expedition. Harold led the men into Mariposa, but failed to account for the automated defenses, which were still online, and promptly attacked the explorers. Taking heavy casualties, they made their way to the deepest, fourth level, the F.E.V vats, where a crane smashed into the two surviving explorers, Harold and Richard Grey. The former was knocked out, the latter landed in one of the virus vats, succumbing to a severe overdose.In pain, horribly mutated, he crawled into the control room, as his intellect grew.

In a few days, he was neurolinked to the base computer, drawing upon its sizable data banks. As he created the idea of the, wanderers began to enter the facility, and Grey patiently captured and dipped them, in order to create beings as perfect as him. When the first true were created, he set out to create a true mutant army, at the same time deciding to look for a permanent base of operations. In, one of his patrols located a group of vault dwellers from the, and he made the decision to transfer himself there, occupying the.The base was entrusted to the, one of the greatest super mutant minds to exist.

Mariposa was rebuilt and cleaned up, once again becoming the magnificent military base it was before the war. Super mutants roamed the halls, restocking the armories and medical bays and soon it became the staging area for their assault on humanity, as well as the only super mutant production center.Then came the in. It is unknown whether or not he infiltrated the base or blasted his way in – suffice to say, once he was through, was little more than a caved-in, smoldering ruin.Enclave's excavations. See:The existence of the Mariposa Military Base was listed in Enclave records, which enabled the to find the base and begin their excavations. On, Enclave scouts (re)discovered the ruins of the Mariposa Military Base. The Chemical Corps and other scientists began to scour the base, while assault squads began gathering slaves to use for excavating the base.

In the process, they capture from the town of. Excavations began in September. The slaves and construction crews dug into the collapsed base, removing tons of rock. Unprotected wastelanders were exposed to low levels of FEV in the ruins, released after the base self destructed and mutations began to occur.

At the same time, is exposed to the virus and sent to for study. By October, Melchior (now mutating) realized that the Enclave would execute him and the others as soon as they recover the FEV and virus data. He began secretly stashing away weapons for the mutants in anticipation of the confrontation. The excavations are complete in. Shortly after Enclave scientists manage to obtain a pure sample of FEV and leave the base, the mutants rose up against their Enclave overseers. After suffering heavy casualties, the Enclave forces fell back and sealed the mutants in.

The remaining first and second generation super mutant slaves remained in the Base, and the group formed a new community under the leadership of, whose magic talents had allowed them to hide the weapons.Layout Surface. Square footage: 0 ftThe first level of Mariposa housed the gear needed for any excursions, as well as a staging area for patrols. Oddly, the main control computers for the base's and robotic guardians were located here, allowing any infiltrator to considerably sabotage the base, just by altering the Pest Control setting for the robobrains, in addition to altering the force field status remotely. Apart from that, guard barracks were located on this level, for off-duty surface security teams.

Fallout 1 Military Base Walkthrough

Square footage: 60000 ftThe second level of the stronghold is one of the largest, and for good reason. It houses the primary barracks, with an adjoining medical bay and armory. Both are well stocked with medical supplies and ordnance respectively. The medical bay is particularly well equipped, as it includes four beds with integrated medical monitoring, an operating theater, and full hygienic facilities.The barracks hold a lot of super mutants of varying degrees of strength.

Both the armory and the medbay offer plenty of loot, though in the latter case, the player has to negotiate a super mutant with a particularly small cranium. Lead works well. However, visiting the second level is not in any way necessary to complete the game.Loot Loot on level 2 of Mariposa. Square footage: 60000 ftArguably the heart of the Mariposa Military Base, the deepest level of the installation is built around a central, ventilated chamber housing the vats filled with the alongside a nutrient solution. There are three massive vats, with a catwalk suspended overhead. The large airshaft vents the mutagenic fumes outside through the vent above the entrance.

It also doubles as an attachment point for the manipulator arm and crane used to place subjects within the vats for mutation and retrieve them. The relied on a crude dipping procedure to create supermutants: Prisoners placed in protective bondage are first rolled into the central area of the catwalk and then an operator uses the crane to lift them up, suspend over the Vat, and then release the subject. The subsequent instant total immersion ensures rapid changes begin to manifest almost immediately. Failed conversions are typically discarded and those that survive will sometimes lurk around the base of the Vats.The control room overlooks the Vats. It contains the control consoles, used to monitor subjects, as well as the central access console for the Mariposa mainframe, which allows a crafty hacker to access personnel logs and even set the base to self-destruct.

Attaching an explosive to the terminal will also force the self destruct, except it will also cause alarms to ring out throughout the base. Mariposa Encryption Codes-1285362 - 1 minute silent self destruct sequence-7805564 - 30 second self destruct, set base to alert-1251533 - set base to alert status-1251514 - 3 minute silent self destruct sequence-7763929 - 3 minute self destruct sequence, set base to alertTogether with the scientists' quarters (used around the 's time to house the supermutant containment squad, ), it forms the top secret portion of the facility, accessible from the cell block block and kept off limits to soldiers before the war.

The other, general access section of the level housed the central robot maintenance facility, as well as the base commander's quarters. Once used by Colonel, the spartan office was claimed by the during the 's rise. Related quests.Behind the scenes. According to, Mariposa Military Base is based on Fort Ord, an old military base that has been shut down near Monterey Bay.

It was called Base Omega in early design documents. The name of the base, Mariposa, in Spanish means butterfly. This is a probable reference to the metamorphosis that occurs in a caterpillar turning it into a 'better' creature, in this case a butterfly. When pure humans are dipped into the FEV vats they transform into a 'better' creature, in this case, a smarter/faster/stronger super mutant.Gallery.

Contents Walkthroughwants an edge on the other families. He tells the Chosen of an abandoned military base. This is not, however, the only way to get the location on the world map, as it can be found by digging up a grave on the northwest side of with a of 7 or more when digging the grave in order to find the location. citation neededEven if every Salvatore gang member in the bar was killed, Orville Wright will advise that there are other Salvatore Made Men and Enforcers outside of New Reno and they are a threat to the Wrights and still wants the extra firepower.Upon arriving at the Sierra Army Depot, note the bodies lying where they fell.

Join them or take out the automated turrets, it may not be possible to target them while completely outside their range, even with a due to their range. The can be destroyed by targeting 'the gun servo', a critical hit can cripple the turret gun, making it harmless, allowing the Chosen One to get closer and destroy it.There is yet another way to get in, however. Note how one of the bodies of them is slightly farther than the rest.

Move in a diagonal from the right of the guard structure to the grouping of trees to the left of the center turret; this will allow one to make it through without triggering combat.