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Makalah Sistem Ekskresi Pada Manusia Beserta Gambarnya

SISTEM EKSKRESI Proses pengeluaran zat pada manusia dibedakan menjadi defekasi, sekresi, dan ekskresi. Defekasiadalah pengeluaran zat sisa pada manusia berupa zat.

.M Ilma Muslih A; Andang Widiharto; Yohannes Sardjono2014-01-01Studies were carried out to design a collimator which results in epithermal neutron beam for in vivo experiment of Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) at the Kartini Research Reactor by means of Monte Carlo N-Particle (MCNP) codes. Reactor within 100 kW of thermal power was used as the neutron source. All materials used were varied in size, according to the value of mean free path for each material. MCNP simulations indicated that by using 5 cm thick of Ni (95%) as collimator wall, 15 cm thick of Al as moderator, 1 cm thick of Pb as γ-ray shielding, 1.5 cm thick of Boral as additional material, with 2 cm aperture diameter, epithermal neutron beam with maximum flux of 5.03 x 10 8 -2.s -1 could be produced. The beam has minimum fast neutron and γ-ray components of, respectively, 2.17 x 10 -13 2.n -1 and 1.16 x 10 -13 2.n -l, minimum thermal neutron per epithermal neutron ratio of 0.12, and maximum directionality of 0.835. It did not fully pass the IAEA's criteria, since the epithermal neutron flux was below the recommended value, 1.0 x 10 9 -2.s -l.

Nonetheless, it was still usable with epithermal neutron flux exceeding 5.0 x 10 8 -2.s -1 and fast neutron flux close to 2 x 10 -13 2.n -1 it is still feasible for BNCT in vivo experiment. (author).Putri, Rahmi Eka2015-01-01Teknologi informasi (TI) saat ini telah menjadi kebutuhan yang mendasar bagi setiap organisasi dan tidak jarang sebuah organisasi memiliki ketergantungan yang tinggi terhadap TI. Resiko penggunaan TI di organisasi harus dikelola dengan baik, agar resiko penggunaan TI dapat diminimalisasi dan TI dapat membantu dalam pencapaian tujuan organisasi. Optimasi resiko penggunaan TI di organisasi merupakan salah satu domain dalam tata kelola TI berdasarkan COBIT 5. Proses ini bertujuan untuk memastika.Sri Handayaningsih2013-04-01Full Text Available Pengembangan E-Government pada sebuah Pemda ditopang oleh empat pilar yaitu kebijakan, kerangka peraturan, manajemen perubahan dan kebutuhan masyarakat. Proses bisnis pada dinas di pemda dan kebutuhan masyarakat terhadap dinas, memunculkan aplikasi yang dapat membantu proses bisnis dalam memberikan layanan pada masyarakat dan manajemen dalam internal dinas.

Dalam banyak kasus pengembangan aplikasi pada Pemda tidak berdasarkan pada hal-hal seperti proses bisnis yang dijalankan di dinas, budaya organisasi dan kebutuhan masyarakat sebagai konsumen namun hanya berdasarkan pada kebutuhan personal dan pemberian dari pusat. Hal ini mengakibatkan aplikasi yang dibangun tidak dapat bertahan lama, tidak dapat membantu seluruh kegiatan bisnis utama dinas dan dijalankan tidak sesuai dengan budaya organisasi yang sedang berjalan saat ini di dinas tersebut. Aplikasi yang harus dibangun dan dijalankan adalah 70% untuk kegiatan pelayanan pada masyarakat dan 30% manajemen organisasi. Pembuatan model kesesuai aplikasi pada sebuah dinas berdasarkan pada budaya yang sedang berjalan di dinas. Budaya organisasi yang berjalan saat ini di pemerintah provinsi DIY adalah budaya clan. Dasar dari kesesuaian aplikasi yang berjalan di sebuah dinas adalah rencana strategis jangka menengah (tahun 2009 s.d 2014.

Model akan diukur dengan key performance indicator menggunakan acuan pada COBIT 4.1. Harapannya model dapat digunakan pada dinas di Provinsi DIY.Miftahunnisa' Igiriza2017-06-01Full Text Available Pemimpin dalam sebuah kepemimpinan menjadi salah satu faktor maupun penghambat dari perkembangan organisasi dalam menghadapi fenomena perubahan yang kerap terjadi. Kemampuan kecerdasan emosional pemimpin memiliki peran yang penting bagi organisasi dan orang-orang yang bekerja pada organisasi tersebut.

Tujuan penulisan ini yaitu untuk mengetahui bahwa kepemimpinan berdasarkan emotional intelligence dibutuhkan dalam gaya memimpin suatu organisasi seperti di perpustakaan yang menjadi pusat informasi. Artikel ini disusun berdasarkan studi literatur.

Dapat diketahui, terjadinya globalisasi informasi, pola kepemimpinan yang baik di perpustakaan sangat dibutuhkan. Pola kepemimpinan berdasarkan emotional intelligence yang di dalamnya terdiri dari visioner, pembimbing, afiliatif, demokratis, penentu kecepatan, dan memerintah bisa menjadi pilihan pola kepemimpinan yang diterapkan di perpustakaan. ABSTRACT Leader in a leadership became one of the factors as well as inhibiting the development of the organization in the face of the phenomenon of changes that often occur. Emotional intelligence abilities leaders have an important role for the organization and the people who work in these organizations. The purpose of this paper is to know that leadership is based on emotional intelligence needed to lead an organization like the style in which the library is a resource center. This article draws on literature studies. It can be seen, the globalization of information, a pattern of good leadership in the library is needed.

The pattern of leadership based on the emotional intelligence of which consists of a visionary, coaching, affiliative, democratic, pacesetting, and commanding leadership style choice can be applied in the library.In eukaryotes, in response to replication stress, DNA damage response kinase, ATR is activated, whose signalling abrogationleads to cell lethality due to aberrant fork remodelling and excessive origin firing. Here we report that inhibition of ATR kinase activity specifically during replication stress recovery results in persistent.Atkinson, S.A.1990-01-01The Advanced Test Reactor ( ATR) at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory was designed with some passive safety response attributes which contribute to the safety of the facility. The three passive safety attributes being evaluated in the paper are: 1) In-core and in-vessel natural convection cooling, 2) a passive heat sink capability of the ATR primary coolant system (PCS) for the transfer of decay power from the uninsulated piping to the confinement, and 3) gravity feed of emergency coolant makeup.

The safety significance of the ATR passive safety response attributes is that the reactor can passively respond to most transients, given a reactor scram, to provide adequate decay power removal and a significant time for operator action should the normal active heat removal systems and their backup systems both fail. The ATR Interim Level 1 Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) models and results were used to evaluate the significance to ATR fuel damage frequency (or probability) of the above three passive response attributes. The results of the evaluation indicate that the first attribute is a major safety characteristic of the ATR. The second attribute has a noticeable but only minor safety significance. The third attribute has no significant influence on the ATR firewater injection system (emergency coolant system).Nurul Dzakiya2017-05-01Full Text Available Analisis data untuk mengidentifikasi sebaran litologi yang memiliki potensi bahan galian industri di Daerah Gunung Wungkal Yogyakarta dengan menggunakan metode resistivitas dan survei geologi permukaan telah dilakukan. Hasil korelasi kedua data tersebut menunjukkan sebaran litologi merupakan pelapukan intrusi batuan beku yang kemudian menghasilkan material lempung (6,0-10 m, lempung pasiran (11-30 m dan lapukan batuan diorit (30-55 m yang berada di kedalaman berbeda.

Makalah Sistem Ekskresi Pada Manusia Beserta Gambarnya

Ketebalan batuan di permukaan sekitar 225-231 meter berdasarkan penampang peta geologi dengan arah sebaran dari Barat Laut hingga Tenggara. Proses pelapukan dan alterasi di daerah ini intensif (alterasi argilik dengan jenis morfologi perbukitan intrusi terdenudasi dan dataran Alluvial.Toledo Lazaro, Luis Ignacio; Altmeyer, Matthias; Rask, Maj-Britt2013-01-01origin firing generates an excess of single-stranded DNA that exhausts the nuclear pool of RPA. Partial reduction of RPA accelerated fork breakage, and forced elevation of RPA was sufficient to delay such 'replication catastrophe' even in the absence of ATR activity. Conversely, unscheduled origin firing. Induced breakage of stalled forks even in cells with active ATR. Thus, ATR-mediated suppression of dormant origins shields active forks against irreversible breakage via preventing exhaustion of nuclear RPA. This study elucidates how replicating genomes avoid destabilizing DNA damage.

Because cancer cells.Yazid, M; Sutresna, G; Sulistyono, A; Ngasifudin1996-01-01This radiological impacts evaluation covered of radioactivity in water, soil, grass, air samples and ambient gamma radiation that have been carried out in the Kartini reactor area and in the site plan of nuclear power plan are at Ujung Lemah Abang, Jepara, Central Java. The aim of this research was to determine that radiological impacts in the environment around the Kartini reactor compared to natural radioactivity for site plan of nuclear power plan area.

The radioactivity in the water, soil and grass samples ware measured by low background beta counting system and were identified by low background gamma spectrometer. The radioactivity in the air samples was measured by beta portable counting system and the ambient gamma radiation was measured by portable high pressurized ionization chamber model RSS-112 Reuther-Stokes. The reactor data measurement was compared to the site plan of nuclear power plant area data for evaluation of radiological impacts on the operating reactor. From the evaluation and comparison can be concluded there are no indication of the radionuclide release from the reactor operation. The average radiactivity in the water, soil grass and air sample from the reactor area were between 0.17 - 0.61 Bq/1; 0,47 - 0,74 Bq/g; 4.43 - 4.60 Bq/g.ash and 49.53 - 70.90 x 10 Bq/cc. The average radioactivity of those sample from the nuclear power plant area were between 0.06-0.90 Bq/I; 0.02-0.86 Bq/g; 1.68-8.07 Bq/g.ash and 65.0-152.3 x 10 Bq/cc. The ambient gamma radiation were between 6.9-36.7 urad/h for the reactor area and 6.8-19.2 urad/h for the nuclear power plant area.B, Rinto; Shaluhiyah, Zahroh; Kurniawan, Bina2012-01-01Terdapat penyimpangan prosedur dalam pemeriksaan boat berdasarkan checklist inspeksiyang sudah ada dimana rata-rata nahkoda melakukan pencontrengan checklist tanpamelakukan uji coba alat-alat keselamatan dan mesin di dalam boat.

Tujuan penelitian iniadalah untuk mengeksplorasi gambaran tentang perilaku kepatuhan nahkoda di Perusahaanpelayaran ini dalam melakukan pemeriksaan boat berdasarkan checklist. Penelitian inimenggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan melakukan wawancara yang menda.Ruda, Harald2001-01-01. We have designed a Web-Enabled ATR/Fusion Development System (WEADS) that will allow distributed development and execution of AIR and fusion algorithms using currently available infrastructures.Debadrita Bhattacharya2018-02-07Feb 7, 2018. Generated in response to ultraviolet and ionizing radiation (Lu et al. 2005a, b; Cha. Nocopy' each other's effects by uncovering persistent ATR signalling that in. Been shown to indirectly stabilize PPM1D by mediating the.Todd R.

Allen; Mitchell K. Meyer; Frances Marshall; Mary Catherine Thelen; Jeff Benson2010-11-01This report describes activities of the ATR NSUF from FY-2008 through FY-2009 and includes information on partner facilities, calls for proposals, users week and education programs. The report also contains project information on university research projects that were awarded by ATR NSUF in the fiscal years 2008 & 2009. This research is university-proposed researcher under a user facility agreement. All intellectual property from these experiments belongs to the university per the user agreement.Allen, Todd R.; Meyer, Mitchell K.; Marshall, Frances; Thelen, Mary Catherine; Benson, Jeff2010-01-01This report describes activities of the ATR NSUF from FY-2008 through FY-2009 and includes information on partner facilities, calls for proposals, users week and education programs. The report also contains project information on university research projects that were awarded by ATR NSUF in the fiscal years 2008 and 2009. This research is university-proposed researcher under a user facility agreement.

All intellectual property from these experiments belongs to the university per the user agreement.Burdak-Rothkamm, S.2007-01-01Complete text of publication follows. Radiation induced non-targeted bystander effects have been reported for a range of endpoints including the induction of γH2AX foci which serve as a marker for DNA double strand breaks. We have recently reported the induction of γH2AX foci in non-targeted bystander cells up to 48 hours after irradiation and the involvement of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and TGF-beta 1 in the induction of γH2AX foci (Oncogene (2007) 26:993-1002). Here, we wanted to determine the role of the PI3-like kinases ATM, ATR and DNA-PK in DNA damage signalling in bystander cells. Conditioned medium from T98G cells irradiated with 2 Gy of X-rays was transferred onto non-irradiated cells that were subsequently analysed for the induction of γH2AX, ATR and 53BP1 foci as well as clonogenic survival.

Irradiated T98G glioma cells generated signals that induced γH2AX and 53BP1 foci in cells treated with the conditioned medium from irradiated cells. These foci co-localised with ATR foci. Inhibition of ATM and DNA-PK could not suppress the induction of bystander γH2AX foci whereas the mutation of ATR in Seckel cells abrogated bystander foci induction. A restriction of bystander foci to the S-phase of the cell cycle both in T98G cells and in ATR- proficient fibroblasts was observed.

These results identify ATR as a central player within the bystander signalling cascade leading to γH2AX and 53BP1 foci formation, and suggest a mechanism of DNA damage induction in non-targeted cells. Further investigations have shown decreased clonogenic cell survival in bystander T98G and ATR wild-type fibroblasts. ATR mutated Seckel cells and also ATM-/- fibroblasts were resistant to this effect suggesting a role for both ATR and ATM in the bystander signalling cascade with regard to cell survival. Taken together, these observations support a hypothesis of DNA damage-induced accumulation of stalled replication forks in bystander cells which are subsequently processed by.Seidel, Heiko; Stahl, Christoph; Bjerkeli, Frode; Skaaren-Fystro, Paal2005-05-01Following the tendency of increased use of imaging sensors in military aircraft, future fighter pilots will need onboard artificial intelligence e.g. ATR for aiding them in image interpretation and target designation. The European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company (EADS) in Germany has developed an advanced method for automatic target recognition ( ATR) which is based on adaptive neural networks. This ATR method can assist the crew of military aircraft like the Eurofighter in sensor image monitoring and thereby reduce the workload in the cockpit and increase the mission efficiency.

The EADS ATR approach can be adapted for imagery of visual, infrared and SAR sensors because of the training-based classifiers of the ATR method. For the optimal adaptation of these classifiers they have to be trained with appropriate and sufficient image data. The training images must show the target objects from different aspect angles, ranges, environmental conditions, etc. Incomplete training sets lead to a degradation of classifier performance. Additionally, ground truth information i.e.

Makalah Sistem Pencernaan Pada Manusia

Scenario conditions like class type and position of targets is necessary for the optimal adaptation of the ATR method. In Summer 2003, EADS started a cooperation with Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace (KDA) from Norway. The EADS/KDA approach is to provide additional image data sets for training-based ATR through IR image simulation.

The joint study aims to investigate the benefits of enhancing incomplete training sets for classifier adaptation by simulated synthetic imagery. EADS/KDA identified the requirements of a commercial-off-the-shelf IR simulation tool capable of delivering appropriate synthetic imagery for ATR development. A market study of available IR simulation tools and suppliers was performed. After that the most promising tool was benchmarked according to several criteria e.g. Thermal emission model, sensor model, targets model, non-radiometric image features etc., resulting in a.Herdian Herdian2014-07-01Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan bentuk perilaku sibling rivalry pada anak kembar berdasarkan pengasuhan orangtua yang terjadi.Koeppen, L.D.; Rogers, J.W.1985-12-01The Radiation Measurements Laboratory (RML) onducted testing and an evaluation of the ATR SPING-3 after installation of the new 'A' series software (firmware) and retrofit kit. The purpose of this report is to provide the ATR SPING-3A users with a document describing the present status of the unit, how the system was tested, a suggested calibration guideline, how the system should be operated for the ATR application, and why it should be used in this manner.Richins, W.D.; Miller, G.K.1995-12-01This report documents a detailed evaluation of the swaging process used to connect fuel plates to side plates in Advanced Test Reactor ( ATR) fuel elements.

The swaging is a mechanical process that begins with fitting a fuel plate into grooves in the side plates. Once a fuel plate is positioned, a lip on each of two side plate grooves is pressed into the fuel plate using swaging wheels to form the joints. Each connection must have a specified strength (measured in terms, of a pullout force capacity) to assure that these joints do not fail during reactor operation. The purpose of this study is to analyze the swaging process and associated procedural controls, and to provide recommendations to assure that the manufacturing process produces swaged connections that meet the minimum strength requirement. The current fuel element manufacturer, Babcock and Wilcox (B ampersand W) of Lynchburg, Virginia, follows established procedures that include quality inspections and process controls in swaging these connections. The procedures have been approved by Lockheed Martin Idaho Technologies and are designed to assure repeatability of the process and structural integrity of each joint. Prior to July 1994, ATR fuel elements were placed in the Hydraulic Test Facility (HTF) at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (AGNAIL), Test Reactor Area (TRA) for application of Boehmite (an aluminum oxide) film and for checking structural integrity before placement of the elements into the ATR.

Sistem Ekskresi Pada Manusia Kulit

The results presented in this report demonstrate that the pullout strength of the swaged connections is assured by the current manufacturing process (with several recommended enhancements) without the need for- testing each element in the HTF.Choi, Jun-Hyuk; Lindsey-Boltz, Laura A; Kemp, Michael; Mason, Aaron C; Wold, Marc S; Sancar, Aziz2010-08-03ATR kinase is a critical upstream regulator of the checkpoint response to various forms of DNA damage. Previous studies have shown that ATR is recruited via its binding partner ATR-interacting protein (ATRIP) to replication protein A (RPA)-covered single-stranded DNA (RPA-ssDNA) generated at sites of DNA damage where ATR is then activated by TopBP1 to phosphorylate downstream targets including the Chk1 signal transducing kinase. However, this critical feature of the human ATR-initiated DNA damage checkpoint signaling has not been demonstrated in a defined system. Here we describe an in vitro checkpoint system in which RPA-ssDNA and TopBP1 are essential for phosphorylation of Chk1 by the purified ATR-ATRIP complex. Checkpoint defective RPA mutants fail to activate ATR kinase in this system, supporting the conclusion that this system is a faithful representation of the in vivo reaction. Interestingly, we find that an alternative form of RPA (aRPA), which does not support DNA replication, can substitute for the checkpoint function of RPA in vitro, thus revealing a potential role for aRPA in the activation of ATR kinase. We also find that TopBP1 is recruited to RPA-ssDNA in a manner dependent on ATRIP and that the N terminus of TopBP1 is required for efficient recruitment and activation of ATR kinase.Park, Joung-Sun; Na, Hyun-Jin; Pyo, Jung-Hoon; Jeon, Ho-Jun; Kim, Young-Shin; Yoo, Mi-Ae2015-05-01The stem cell genomic stability forms the basis for robust tissue homeostasis, particularly in high-turnover tissues.

For the genomic stability, DNA damage response (DDR) is essential. This study was focused on the role of two major DDR-related factors, ataxia telangiectasia-mutated (ATM) and ATM- and RAD3-related ( ATR) kinases, in the maintenance of intestinal stem cells (ISCs) in the adultDrosophila midgut. We explored the role of ATM and ATR, utilizing immunostaining with an anti-pS/TQ antibody as an indicator of ATM/ ATR activation, γ-irradiation as a DNA damage inducer, and the UAS/GAL4 system for cell type-specific knockdown of ATM, ATR, or both during adulthood. The results showed that the pS/TQ signals got stronger with age and after oxidative stress. The pS/TQ signals were found to be more dependent on ATR rather than on ATM in ISCs/enteroblasts (EBs). Furthermore, an ISC/EB-specific knockdown of ATR, ATM, or both decreased the number of ISCs and oxidative stress-induced ISC proliferation. The phenotypic changes that were caused by the ATR knockdown were more pronounced than those caused by the ATM knockdown; however, our data indicate that ATR and ATM are both needed for ISC maintenance and proliferation; ATR seems to play a bigger role than does ATM.Carson, Christian T; Orazio, Nicole I; Lee, Darwin V2009-01-01The protein kinases ataxia-telangiectasia mutated (ATM) and ATM-Rad3 related ( ATR) are activated in response to DNA damage, genotoxic stress and virus infections.

Here we show that during infection with wild-type adenovirus, ATR and its cofactors RPA32, ATRIP and TopBP1 accumulate at viral. During virus infection, which is independent of Mre11 nuclease activity and recruitment of RPA/ ATR/ATRIP/TopBP1. Unlike other damage scenarios, we found that ATM and ATR signaling are not dependent on each other during infection. We identify a region of the viral E4orf3 protein responsible.Binford, Thomas2000-01-01.

Experiments based on conventional recognition techniques were conducted for comparisons. Study of persistent scattering confirms the feasibility of implementing a SAR ATR system using physical image features.Leitz, M.; Franke, H.; Grattan, K.T.V.; Tamachkiarow, A.2002-01-01An approach to the in situ monitoring of biofilm formation using the technique of ATR-leaky mode spectroscopy is given as an example for the case of Cytophaga. The biofilm growth was studied on an aluminium layer and on a bilayer of the hydrogel agarose on aluminium. This metal was chosen because of its chemical stability in aqueous systems. The spectra obtained have been recorded using a flow cell to contain the suspension and nutrients over a period of several days. In the case considered using a prism surface coated with agarose, the experiments were performed by breeding in an incubator. (author).Baumann, James M.; Dilsavor, Ronald L.; Stubbles, James; Mossing, John C.2002-07-01Early in almost every engineering project, a decision must be made about tools; should I buy off-the-shelf tools or should I develop my own.

Either choice can involve significant cost and risk. Off-the-shelf tools may be readily available, but they can be expensive to purchase and to maintain licenses, and may not be flexible enough to satisfy all project requirements. On the other hand, developing new tools permits great flexibility, but it can be time- (and budget-) consuming, and the end product still may not work as intended. Open source software has the advantages of both approaches without many of the pitfalls. This paper examines the concept of open source software, including its history, unique culture, and informal yet closely followed conventions. These characteristics influence the quality and quantity of software available, and ultimately its suitability for serious ATR development work. We give an example where Python, an open source scripting language, and OpenEV, a viewing and analysis tool for geospatial data, have been incorporated into ATR performance evaluation projects.

While this case highlights the successful use of open source tools, we also offer important insight into risks associated with this approach.Atkinson, S.A.1989-01-01The Advanced Test Reactor ( ATR) at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory was designed with some passive safety response attributes which contribute to the safety posture of the facility. The three passive safety attributes being evaluated in the paper are: (1) In-core and in-vessel natural convection cooling, (2) a passive heat sink capability of the ATR primary coolant system (PCS) for the transfer of decay power from the uninsulated piping to the confinement, and (3) gravity feed of emergency coolant makeup. The safety significance of the ATR passive safety response attributes is that the reactor can passively respond for most transients, given a reactor scram, to provide adequate decay power removal and a significant time for operator action should the normal active heat removal systems and their backup systems both fail. The ATR Interim Level 1 Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) model ands results were used to evaluate the significance to ATR fuel damage frequency (or probability) of the above three passive response attributes. The results of the evaluation indicate that the first attribute is a major safety characteristic of the ATR. The second attribute has a noticeable but only minor safety significance. The third attribute has no significant influence on the ATR Level 1 PRA because of the diversity and redundancy of the ATR firewater injection system (emergency coolant system).

8 refs., 4 figs., 1 tab.Schnitzler, B.G.; Rogers, J.W.1986-05-01Radiation fields in the ATR Large Gamma Facility test volume are characterized. The preliminary characterization efforts described in this report include total dose rate measurements in the facility, development of a simple methodology for calculating radiation fields from the ATR fuel element power histories, and a comparison of the measured and calculated values.Pauklin, Siim; Kristjuhan, Arnold; Maimets, Toivo; Jaks, Viljar2005-01-01Induction of apoptosis is pivotal for eliminating cells with damaged DNA or deregulated proliferation. We show that tumor suppressor ARF and ATM/ ATR kinase pathways cooperate in the induction of apoptosis in response to elevated expression of c-myc, β-catenin or human papilloma virus E7 oncogenes.

Makalah Gangguan Sistem Pencernaan

Overexpression of oncogenes leads to the formation of phosphorylated H2AX foci, induction of Rad51 protein levels and ATM/ ATR-dependent phosphorylation of p53. Inhibition of ATM/ ATR kinases abolishes both induction of Rad51 and phosphorylation of p53, and remarkably reduces the level of apoptosis induced by co-expression of oncogenes and ARF. However, the induction of apoptosis is downregulated in p53-/- cells and does not depend on activities of ATM/ ATR kinases, indicating that efficient induction of apoptosis by oncogene activation depends on coordinated action of ARF and ATM/ ATR pathways in the regulation of p53.Kurnia Martini Dwi Putri A.T.2017-04-01Abstrak Pajak merupakan salah satu pendukung sumber dana terbesar dalam kegiatan pembangunan Indonesia.

Pembayaran pajak merupakan kewajiban bagi setiap Subyek Pajak. Mereka akan dikenal memiliki utang kepada Negara setelah mereka tidak membayar pajak. Kewajiban pajak adalah utang yang sangat timbul karena hukum, sehingga memiliki karakteristik didahulukan dari hutang lainnya. Apabila Wajib Pajak tidak membayar pajak mereka, Pemerintah dapat menjual hasil aset yang bernilai tinggi oleh yang berdasarkan Hak Mendahulu Negara. Di Kota Bandar Lampung, pendaftaran tanah judul transfer yang diperoleh dengan lelang berdasarkan Hak Mendahulu Negara terjadi tanah kepemilikan properti pribadi atas nama pribadi milik, yang menjadi pembayaran kewajiban pajak perusahaan, dan juga obyek sengketa warisan. Judul tanah validitas pendaftaran pengalihan kemudian menjadi hukum dipertanyakan, karena objek lelang dicatat atas nama kepemilikan individu, bukan perusahaan.

Selain itu, di bawah sengketa warisan dan telah diblokade di Kantor Pertanahan Bandar Lampung. Kata Kunci: Hak Mendahulu Negara, Lelang, Pemblokiran Sertifikat Tanah.Heri Susanto2014-06-01Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat prediksi prestasi belajar siswa berdasarkan status sosial ekonomi orang tua, motivasi, kedisiplinan siswa dan prestasi masa lalu menggunakan metode data mining dengan algoritma J48.

Sebagai perbandingan, data penelitian dianalisis juga dengan CHAID (Chi Squared Automatic Interaction Detection dan regresi ganda. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif. Subyek penelitian ini adalah siswa tingkat X SMK Negeri 4 Surakarta berjumlah 416 siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah dokumentasi dan angket. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa analisis prediksi menggunakan decision tree algoritma J48 memiliki akurasi sebesar 95,7%, sedangkan analisis prediksi menggunakan CHAID memiliki tingat akurasi 82,1% dan analisis regresi ganda menghasilkan tingkat signifikansi sebesar 90,6%. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut bisa disimpulkan bahwa metode J48 lebih baik dibandingkan dengan metode CHAID dan regresi ganda.Kata kunci: data mining.Fitriana A.R.2015-11-01Full Text Available Analisis diskriminan merupakan bagian dari analisis peubah ganda. Analisis diskriminan digunakan untuk memodelkan variabel tak bebas yang bersifat kualitatif dengan variabel bebas yang bersifat kuantitatif.

Pada penelitian ini, analisis diskriminan lebih dari dua kelompok diterapkan pada data nilai akhir SMA/MA di Kabupaten Aceh Selatan yang bertujuan untuk mendapatkan model untuk pengklasifikasian kecamatan. Pengklasifikasian ini bertujuan untuk melihat perbedaan kualitas siswa SMA/MA yang berada di masing-masing kecamatan Kabupaten Aceh Selatan berdasarkan data nilai akhir. Variabel tak bebas yang digunakan berupa klasifikasi kecamatan berdasarkan rata-rata jumlah nilai akhir SMA/MA yang berada di masing-masing kecamatan yang dibentuk dengan K-Means Cluster. Sedangkan variabel bebas yang digunakan adalah data rata-rata nilai akhir SMA/MA untuk setiap mata pelajaran yang diujiankan pada masing-masing jurusan setiap kecamatan. Model yang didapatkan adalah dua model diskriminan untuk jurusan IPA dan IPS.Maimuna Nonci2016-03-01Full Text Available Kehadiran bakteri metanotrof pada daerah rhizosfer padi sangat dibutuhkan untuk mereduksi metan yang dihasilkan oleh bakteri metanogen, sehingga tidak terjadi emisi gas metan ke atmosfer.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan koleksi dan seleksi bakteri methanotrof asal rhizosfer tanaman padi yang mampu menghasilkan enzim metan monooksigenase. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara acak pada tiga fase pertumbuhan tanaman padi yaitu fase vegetatif, reproduktif dan pematangan. Koleksi isolat dilakukan dengan metode isolasi dan pemurnian.

Seleksi isolat dilakukan dengan pengujian reaksi gram, motil, indol, aerob/anaerob dan aktivitas enzim monooksigenase dianalisis dengan metode kolorimetrik. Hasil penelitian diperoleh 52 koleksi isolat bakteri. Berdasarkan reaksi gram terseleksi 22 isolat gram negatif, berdasarkan analisis kolorimetrik diperoleh 10 isolat menghasilkan enzim metan monooksigenase.I Nyoman Trisna Wirawan2016-01-01Full Text Available Wireless ad-hoc merupakan sebuah skema jaringan yang didesain supaya mampu beroperasi tanpa membutuhkan infrastruktur tetap serta bersifat otonom.

Teknik flooding pada proses path discovery dalam kasus wireless ad-hoc network dapat menimbulkan masalah beban jaringan yang berlebihan. Oleh karena itu, sebuah skema clustering diusulkan untuk mengurangi adanya flooding paket yang berlebihan dengan membagi node-node dalam jaringan menjadi beberapa bagian berdasarkan parameter tertentu. Teknik ini efektifuntuk mengurangi paket yang harus dilewatkan dalam jaringan. Namun masalah muncul ketika sebuah jaringan wireless ad-hoc harus membentuk sebuah cluster dengan mempertimbangkan beberapa parameter khusus. Parameter tersebut harus disesuaikan dengan kasus yang dihadapi. Pada tulisan ini akan dibahas secara khusus mengenai penerapan skema clustering dalam lingkungan wireless ad-hoc network, baik pada MANETdan penyesuaian skema clustering yang harus dilakukan pada VANET berdasarkan mobilitasnya.Miftakhul Maulidina2017-04-01Full Text Available Struktur penyusun tanah di setiap wilayah dapat digambarkan melalui pemodelan berdasarkan nilai resistivitas material penyusunnya. Tujuan penelitian ini membuat penggambaran struktur bawah permukaan tanah melalui filtering Karous-Hjelt dengan variasi spasi.

Adapun spasi dalam pengambilan data di lapangan adalah spasi 1 meter dan spasi 0,5 meter pada masing-masing line. Penelitian ini sekaligus melengkapi hasil penelitian sebelumnya tentang penentuan struktur bawah permukaan tanah di sekitar Candi Gambar Wetan (Maulidina, 2015. Data yang dimasukkan merupakan data hasil pengukuran Very Low Frequency Electromagnetic di area Candi Gambar Wetan. Metode yang digunakan yaitu pengolahan data menggunakan filtering Karous-Hjelt untuk penggambaran struktur bawah permukaan tanah pada kedalaman 0 – 6 meter untuk dua jenis data berdasarkan variasi spasi. Hasil pengolahan menunjukkan penggambaran struktur bawah permukaan tanah spasi 0,5 m memiliki rentang nilai resistivitas yang lebih mendetail dibandingkan spasi 1 m.

Hasil ini dapat menambah informasi dan bisa digunakan sebagai acuan dalam penelitian berikutnya.-, ANDRIANI2014 v ABSTRAK Andriani. Analisis Segmentasi Pasar Berdasarkan Perilaku Konsumen pada Hypermart Cabang Panakukang, Makassar. Dibawah Bimbingan Ir. Hastang, M.Si sebagai Pembimbing Utama dan Muh. Ridwan, S.Pt, M.Si. Sebagai Pembimbing Anggota. Perkembangan dan peningkatan bisnis khususnya pada usaha peternakan akhir-akhir ini menunjukkan banyak peningkatan.

Salah satu strategi yang dapat diterapkan dalam menunjang aktivitas pemasaran oleh perusahaan dalam memasarkan pr.Ruby Vidia Kusumah; Sawung Cindelaras; Anjang Bangun Prasetio2015-01-01Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji keragaan warna ikan clown Biak (Amphiprion percula) populasi alam dan budidaya berdasarkan analisis gambar digital sebagai dasar upaya pemuliaannya. Gambar digital diambil dari koleksi ikan clown Biak Balai Besar Perikanan Budidaya Laut Lampung, Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Budidaya Laut Gondol, Bali; serta pengumpul ikan hias di Denpasar, Bali menggunakan kamera digital Canon EOS 600D.

Pola warna dikarakterisasi secara visual terhadap varias.Fatihah Dinul Qoyyimah; Dewi Elfidasari; Melta Rini Fahmi2016-01-01Ikan sapu-sapu (Loricariidae) merupakan invasive species yang terdapat pada beberapa negara, salah satunyaIndonesia. Ikan tersebut dapat ditemukan pada sungai Ciliwung. Bagian hilir dari sungai tersebut adalah Kota Jakarta.Ikan sapu-sapu yang terdapat di Indonesia termasuk pada Genus Pterygoplichthys. Genus Pterygoplichthys masihsulit dibedakan berdasarkan karakter morfologi. Salah satu cara yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi ikantersebut adalah melihat pola abdomen.

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