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Cara Masuk Ke Komputer Orang Dan Mengambil File Di Dalamnya

Cara upload file ke google drive dan mengambil url untuk share atau menempelkannya ke tombol download di postingan blog. CARA MASUK KOMPUTER ORANG LAIN DENGAN CMD/MSDOS Kali ini saya akan memberikan sedikit informasi mengenai bagaimana cara seseorang yang ingin mencoba menerobos masuk ke komputer orang lain melalui DOS(Windows XP/2000).Hal yang pertama kita lakukan adalah kita harus tahu dulu alamat IP address/Host Name/Computer name target/korban:berikut langkah-langkah nya:1.

  1. Cara Masuk Ke Komputer Orang Dan Mengambil File Di Dalamnya 2
  2. Cara Masuk Ke Komputer Orang Dan Mengambil File Di Dalamnya 1
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Backup adalah sesuatu yg kadang lebih sering dibuat lupa oleh user dengan alasan klasik yaitu “tidak sempat” atau malah “malas ah”. Sayangnya, anda mau tidak mau harus melakukannya, terutama bila anda bekerja dgn data yg selalu berubah atau bahkan memanage sebuah PC khusus tersendiri utk menangani hal tsb. Namun ada satu cara yg sedikit mudah dilakukan oleh kebanyakan orang.disini kita akan memakai sebuah Network Attach Storage Operating System (NAS) yg dikenal sebagai sebagai basic cerita kali ini,lho? Kok ampe ke NAS segala sih? Dropbox is the easiest way to store, sync and share files online.File Sync. 2GB of online storage for free, with up to 100GB available to paying customers. Sync files of any size or type.


Sync Windows, Mac and Linux computers. Automatically syncs when new files or changes are detected.File Sharing. Shared folders allow several people to collaborate on a set of files. You can see other people’s changes instantly.Online Backup.

Automatic backup of your files. Undelete files and folders. I wanted to install a backup solution, and made a go for using the Dropbox service.What you need: Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit. Assuming installation was done in default directory.1. Install Dropbox (I used version 1.0.10)2. Choose preferences and uncheck “Show desktop notifications” and “Start Dropbox on system startup”3.

Exit Dropbox by clicking exit in the context menu that shows when right clicking icon in task bar4. Execute at command line prompt:C:Program Files (x86)Windows Resource KitsToolsinstsrv Dropbox 'c:Program Files (x86)Windows Resource KitsToolssrvany.exe'If everything went ok, the following will be displayed:The service was successfuly added!Make sure that you go into the Control Panel and usethe Services applet to change the Account Name andPassword that this newly installed service will usefor its Security Context.Next is to change the user for witch the newly added service “Dropbox” runs under. Change this to Administrator.5. Choose properties on Dropbox service.6. Click on tab “Log On”7. Click “This account”, and select Admimistrator. Set appropriate password.8.

Click Apply and OKIf this is the first time you have done this procedure for the administrator user, you will get an notification saying that the “Administrator user has been granted log on as service rights”Next is to setup some registry settings for the service9. Start Run regedit10. Navigate to HKEYLOCALMACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesDropbox11.

Cara Masuk Ke Komputer Orang Dan Mengambil File Di Dalamnya 2

Create a new key “Parameters”12. Add a new string value “Application”, (type REGSZ). Set the value to the path to the dropbox.exe binary. Find the location by right clicking on the Dropbox icon on the desktop. Simply copy the path from there.13.

Cara Masuk Ke Komputer Orang Dan Mengambil File Di Dalamnya 1

Close Registry Editor14. Go back to Services, and start the Dropbox serviceNow everything should be in place and work correctly.Addition: It works fine to stop the Dropbox service, then start Dropbox and make changes in preferences etc, save changes and exit Dropbox. Then you can start Dropbox service again without problems. Work very neat actually. Running now on Windows Server 2003 and Windows Server 2008 64-bit. On Windows Server 2008 you can just copy instsrv.exe and srvany.exe to a folder under Program Files and create the Dropbox service from there.Sumber.

Cara masuk ke komputer orang dan mengambil file di dalamnya 1

Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan mencoba shareaplikasi buat para network admininstrator agar kerjanya makin semangat lagi. Aplikasi ini ialahCISCO Network Magic Pro Edition 5.5.9195.0.Aplikasi ini mempunyai banyak fungsi dan fitur yang bisa sobat blogger manfaatkan dalam mengelola jaringan yang sobat blogger kelola. Langsung aja di cek,Dengan menggunakan Cisco Network Magic Pro Edition 5.5.9195.0 ini sobat blogger bisa memantau siapa saja yang terhubung dengan jaringan kita, jadi kita bisa tau ada tidaknya penyusup yang masuk ke jaringan kita.

Robocopy, or “Robust File Copy”, is a directory replication. It has been available as part of the starting with Windows NT 4.0, and was introduced as a standard feature of,. The command is literally robocopy. FeaturesRobocopy is notable for capabilities above and beyond the built-in Windows and commands, including the following:. Ability to tolerate network interruptions and resume copying. (incomplete files are marked with a date stamp of 1980-01-01 and contain a recovery record so Robocopy knows where to continue from).

Ability to copy file data and attributes correctly, and to preserve original timestamps, as well as NTFS, owner information, and audit information using. I found a bunch of mirroring tools, and none seemed very good.

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I don’t need it to run unattended, because I remember to do it often enough and also I don’t leave my PC on overnight usually.I settled on Robocopy.exe, a command-line tool that isn’t in Vista by default but I was able to get it by installing the Windows 2003 Resource Kit. Robocopy is working great for me.

It took some effort to figure out the command-line switches, but now I have a batch file that I can run once in awhile to mirror my important data to my backup disk.